MetGrit® Chilled Iron - Sharp and Angular, Hardened To Blast Away The Toughest Rust And Coatings
Forged from steel with carbon levels high enough to be deemed iron, meticulously crafted to exacting standards, rapidly cooled, and heat treated to create an exceptionally tough blasting material.
Unleash its power for your most demanding projects.
METgrit® Blasting Abrasives are engineered using the highest quality steel with carbon levels to produce an incredibly hard blasting material. Our abrasives are manufactured to precise standards and quick-chilled, then heat-treated to ensure they can handle even the toughest jobs.
Our abrasives are the best choice for surface preparation and lead paint removal. METgrit® is typically harder than steel grit, so it cleans faster and generates less dust. And because it can be recycled, surface preparation is cleaner, cheaper, and safer, while generating hundreds of times less dust and waste than conventional mineral abrasives.
Conventional one-use abrasive or low-cost steel grit may look good to the naked eye, but they can create quality control problems. Conventional coal slag or one-use grit can cause an inconsistent profile, rogue peaks, embedment or hackles. At Chesapeake, our irregularly shaped metallic abrasive particles are specifically engineered to effectively remove paint, rust, and mill scale while imparting a consistent, controllable profile free of these problems.
We understand the challenges involved in removing lead-based paint from steel structures, including creating effective containment structures, assuring worker health inside containment, complying with regulations on disposing of lead-contaminated waste, and controlling costs. That's why we offer METgrit® Blasting Abrasives, which can help with these concerns.
Changes in regulations have brought about sweeping changes in the methods used to blast clean steel structures. One objective of abrasive recycling is to maintain cleanliness of the abrasive. At Chesapeake, we help our customers to ensure our abrasive stays clean. Most use a mechanical metering system to control the flow of the abrasive and an air-wash classifier that removes dust and fines.
The cleaning station contains a coarse screen to remove trash, a storage hopper, a metering device to provide controlled flow of abrasive, and an air-wash classifier that removes dust and fines. As a general rule, no more than one percent by weight of non-abrasive material should be present in the recycled abrasive. Daily sampling of the recycled steel grit is recommended to be certain all systems are working well.
We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality and most effective blasting abrasives on the market. Choose METgrit® Blasting Abrasives for a cleaner, safer, and more efficient surface preparation experience.
Supporting DOCUMENTs
Product Data Sheet
Product Warranty
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